Step 1: Your details

Please re-enter your email address.
E.g. London, Yorkshire, Leeds
No Yes
Why would you want to flaunt your curves on Brastop?

Submit 5 Photos below
Please submit 5 photos: 2 head shots and 3 full length body shots wearing Brastop lingerie or swimwear.
Not to worry if you don’t have professional photos because we want to see the real you. So whether it’s using your phone or getting a friend to help, we still want to see them!
Please upload photo 1 first before adding another!
Please upload photo 2 first before adding another!
Please upload photo 3 first before adding another!
Please upload photo 4 first before adding your final photo!
Enter the competition

Once ready please click the Enter Competition button below to save your details.

The Brastop team will be judging the competition and we will contact you if are successful.

The name of our top 10 Cover Girl finalists will be announced in early June.

I accept the terms and conditions of entry.